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Rheumatic Illness  Organizations 

Sjogren's Society of Canada

This is a Canadian charity organization dedicated to providing support and encouragement to all who have Sjogren’s, and to provide information and education to patients, the public and the medical community as to the symptoms, condition and research findings.



Sjogren's Syndrome Foundation

This is the sister charity organization to the Sjogren's Society of Canada. The Sjogren's Foundation is aimed at creating a community where patients, healthcare professionals and researchers come together to conquer the complexities of Sjogren’s. This includes providing education, resources and services to Sjogren's patients. They also provide resources to health care professionals and support advocacy and awareness about the disease through initiatives. 



Canadian Rheumatology Association (CRA)

The Canadian Rheumatology Association (CRA) is the national professional association for Canadian rheumatologists. The mission of the Canadian Rheumatology Association is to represent Canadian rheumatologists and promote the pursuit of excellence in arthritis and rheumatic disease care, education and research.



The Arthritis Society

The Arthritis Society is a national health charity, fueled by donors and volunteers, with a vision to live in a world where people are free from the devastating effects that arthritis has on lives.

Here is a link to the Sjogren's page embedded within the Arthritis Society website. 



Arthritis Research Canada (ARC)

Arthritis Research Canada is the largest clinical arthritis research centre in North America.  Thier mission is to transform the lives of people living with arthritis through research and engagement.



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